The hip-hop industry is one of the most saturated markets in the entertainment industry and with so many releases happening each day, it is essential that artists utilize social media marketing. If you venture to websites like you will notice that each day numerous mix-tapes are released and music is consistently being pirated onto the site. With competition so cut throat and the pirating of music so prevalent, it is shocking that artists even sell CDs anymore. Nevertheless, the album “Self-Made”, a record label collaboration album, from Rick Ross’s Maybach Music label was released on May 23, 2011 and has sold 90,000 copies in the US. This number is very high for a new group of individuals coming together for the first time to make an album. So the question to ask is how did this group achieve such high numbers? The answer is what we call “hype” in the hip hop industry but what is technically considered exposure, which today can be majorly attributed to social media and digital marketing. If you are a long time follower of my blog you will remember my former post about Kanye West's social media marketing strategy, interestingly enough Maybach Music followed the same strategy.
When visiting websites like, and before the release of this album you would notice “Self-Made” banner ads all over the place. This is the first and most obvious form of marketing and I must say they did it very well. They targeted key demographics and made everyone aware of their CD. Another form of social media marketing is the release of promotional videos that gain viral attention and are re-posted on numerous social media sites. Maybach Music’s Wale released a series of videos on called his “No Days Off Vlog”.
Here you can see one video, and you will notice that in each video he continuously shouts out “When I say self you say made….” This chant went viral and even when attending Rick Ross’ concert the fans went crazy shouting the name and date. The date of May 23rd was ingrained in every fans head and if you didn’t know the date by the end of the concert, something was seriously wrong with you.
Ads like this were placed all over the Internet, it just says the title of the album and fans instantly realized that was Maybach Music’s new album. At the same time leading up to their album release, the rappers delivered a non-stop flow of music. This music kept fans interested and wanting more, so by the time the album dropped, it was an obvious buy. When artists release songs, videos and pictures to the public then those fans usually post this content to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. When fans post and repost this media then they are actually helping out Maybach Music because they are doing the marketing for them! Click the link below to support Maybach Music and enjoy the song of the week “600 Benz”. Stay Fresh My Friends: DJ Dolph